“I never won anything by myself. I was always strong because of help that gave me extra strength to win.” -Dan Gable

After More Than Two-Years of Planning and Hundreds of Hours of Putting It All Together…

I’m Handing You the Single Most Important Key to Unlock the Secrets Top Level Coaches and Athletes Have Used to Dominate Wrestling for Decades!

BEST PART: Detailed Training Secrets – Straight From Dan Gable Himself – Will Be Available, LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

Read Below for More Details On How to Get This FREE 46 Page Bonus…

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]From the Desk of Coach Daryl Weber,
Attack Style Wrestling Headquarters
Hello coaches & wrestlers,
What you’re about to discover is the catalyst you need to capture the highest level of success in your coaching or wrestling career.

Coach Daryl Weber and Dan Gable Discussing How to Wrestle the Gablestyle
I don’t say that lightly…
And I’m not trying to hype you up with some promise of a “magic bullet” that will instantly remove every obstacle you’re facing.
What I’m about reveal to you is better than any magic bullet could ever be.
I’m going to offer you a key…
And although this key isn’t magical, it does make the casual observer wonder if you’ve been given some kind of hidden power that brings success at an accelerated rate.
I’ll reveal this key in moment, but first let me tell you how I stumbled on this…
For the past several years I’ve been asking myself this question:
What is the single factor as a wrestler and now as a coach, that has propelled my success more than any thing else?
Is it my talent?
No. I can name plenty of coaches and athletes more talented than I will ever be.
Is it just luck?
No way. I’ve wished I had more luck a million times when things were going wrong!
Is it my work ethic?
Nope. I know other coaches that work longer and harder than I do but haven’t enjoyed much success.
What about intelligence?
That couldn’t be it either. You and I both know people smarter than us that can never seem to achieve their goals.
Maybe my determination?
Determination is a huge advantage but I realized without this one key all my determination would never have been enough.
Here’s the truth: If you’re extremely talented…
If you always have luck on your side…
If you work harder than everyone…
If you’re smarter than all the competition…
And you never give up…
You can stop reading and go about your day.
You don’t need this key.
The key I’m talking about is for all the rest of us normal folks that want to be highly successful in this sport but don’t possess super human qualities.
Sure the championship caliber coaches and wrestlers have all these qualities in varying degrees.
But remember, I wanted to discover the single key that opened the door to all this and more.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

I’m talking about shortcutting the process of success.

- Not wasting time and effort on techniques and strategies that fail.
- Avoiding the mistakes and setbacks.
- Advancing your skills as a coach (or wrestler) at break neck speed.
- Gaining inside information into what’s tried, tested, and proven to work.
- Tapping into the minds of the greatest coaches this sport has ever known.
- Charting a straight line from where you are now, to where you want to be.
- Friends and enemies asking you what the key to your success is.
- I’m talking about this season looking so different from the last one that people wonder what happened.

Those that gain the edge and consistently win are coaches and wrestlers that have:

- Access to proven methods and strategies.
- Access to mentors that have already “been there and done that” that will let you tap into their experience and success.
- Access to up to date information on what is working, what’s not working and where to focus for maximum results.

Remember the question I asked myself?

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]What is the single factor as a wrestler and now as a coach, that has propelled my success more than any thing else?
As I thought about that question I realized…
The number one factor in my success and the speed of my accomplishments – on the mat as an athlete – and as a coach – was the access I have to great people, programs, and methods of winning, since the early years of my career.
It’s the edge I needed as an athlete to be a two time Iowa H.S. State Champion and eventually an NCAA Champion.
It’s the secret sauce that enabled me to produce 8 straight VA AA Team State Championships (13 in a row total) and 42 State Champions.
It’s why over 90% of graduates from my program go on to wrestle in college. It’s why I was named the 2014 VA State Wrestling Coach of the Year.
The bottom line is I had access to the tools, strategies, and expertise I needed to accomplish these goals.
The type of access I’m talking about is the “unfair advantage” you have over others that are relying solely on their talent, hard work, determination, and luck – all needed components for sure.
But consistent winning comes down to having an edge beyond these critical elements.
It comes down to having access to what you need – when you need it!
Once I realized this golden thread of success…
I went to work to create something that’s never been done in the world of wrestling.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Now you can have this same access…

Introducing: The Gable Trained Academy

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]After spending two years working with over 30,000 coaches, wrestlers and parents around the world and paying close attention to their most sought after needs…
I have teamed up with Dan Gable, himself, to give you access to the most comprehensive platform…jam-packed with advice, training tactics and little known coaching strategies revealing the secrets that highly successful coaches, programs and wrestlers are using to their advantage…[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

You’re Getting Access to so Much, I’m Not Sure What to tell You About First!

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]”Ever since I started this online community I have wanted to provide an area where I could pull everything together and get Coach Gable involved.
I have finally been able to create what I believe and be an ultimate resource for any coach, parent or wrestlers looking to truly learn the Attack Style I have been teaching to youth and high school wrestlers for over 15 years that was inspired by Dan Gable.”
-Coach Weber[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Access to a Ton of Downloads and Deploy Resources.

You Have Plenty to Take Action On From Day One.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]We have pre-loaded a ton of resources that have been created over the past two years; so right from the get-go you are going to have plenty of information to get to work on.
You are going to start off with some great videos, cheat sheets, workbooks and more… to get you started right away!
In fact, from the first day we opened the Gable Trained Academy there were hundreds of dollars in resources. Much more value than the price of admission.
And more resources are added every month…
But rather than ask you to drink from a fire hose…
We’ve found that coaches and wrestlers get the best results from the proven training advice and tips available through GTA if it isn’t all dumped on them at once.
When you get a steady stream of high quality actionable advice it’s much easier to put it to use and see immediate results.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]

Dan Gable, Legendary Coach and Olympic Champion.
“I really like the opportunities Daryl Weber is providing wrestlers,coaches and parents in the great sport of wrestling. These in depth training resources reminds me of what I studied as an athlete and coach. One can enhance their wrestling knowledge and successes with these resources and some hard work. I’m proud and excited to be a regular contributor!”
-Dan Gable[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Access to Some of the Greatest Minds in Wrestling.

The Gable Trained Academy Coaches Corner.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]This is where you will find new in-depth training advice from Coach Gable, himself…but it doesn’t stop there!
Not only will you learn success tips from the legendary competitor and coach, Dan Gable, you also hear from others that he coached on to their own greatness as they guide you to your maximum potential.
You’ll even receive insightful interviews and guidance from a host of other gable trained athletes as well.
Each addition to each new release, the “Coaches Corner” will be accompanied by a supplemental training document with actionable steps coaches and wrestlers can dive into and implement after consuming the exclusive advice and tips stored in this section of the GTA.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Access to “Closed Door” Conversations.

Gable Trained Academy Office Hours.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Here’s a truth you may already know: Every day, private conversations take place between high level coaches that impact their program and help shape the sport of wrestling.
I’m not talking about the interviews you see appearing on a popular websites. Those come long after the private conversations have taken place…long after wrestling programs have grabbed the gold…
These conversations normally take place across the table with a cold beverage. They’re close, private, and typically no holds barred – where ideas are shared, hard questions are asked, and “aha” moments occur.
As a Gable Trained Academy member, you’ll have the opportunity to sit in and join the conversation as I, and others, answer your questions, share ideas, and dispense advice for one purpose – to help you break down the barriers you’re facing and accelerate your results.
Each monthly session will be recorded and available in the member’s area so you can refer to them again and again, anytime you desire.
Can’t make it to a session? You can submit your questions in advance and they’ll be answered live so you can refer back to the recording at a time that works for you.
In fact, GTA members can submit questions all year long and get advice on exactly what they should be doing during any training phase throughout the year![/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Access to Advanced Technique Series & Drills.

You Need to Add to Your Arsenal Continually.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Advanced Technical Series & Drills – Each month a new technical series or a practice room drill will be released to GTA members.
Each technical series or practice drill will compliment the systems and series already introduced through our other technical training courses and academies.
For instance, you may get a series of Inside Trip techniques that all can be plugged into setups and tie ups that you have already been introduced to and can be easily plugged in for wrestlers or teams wanting to expand their Attack Style Arsenal.
I am always thinking up new practice drills or picking them up from other top coaches, I study or work with…
If I discover a better way of drilling essential techniques into wrestlers, those in the GTA will be the first to know.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Easy to Implement – Hard to Believe Results.

Access to Gable Trained Academy Action Plans.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Action Plans – Gable Trained Academy members will receive a new “action plan” each month. In the “Action Plan” area of the GTA members will find detailed systematized worksheets, checklists, videos etc…
Each plan will be presented on topics such as strength training, mental development, program development, handling student athletes (for parents and coaches), etc….
GTA members can fully adopt these easy to follow instructions/”action plans” into their training regimens or use them to optimize an existing training system they already have in place.
Each action plan is based off proven training methods that will be usable for wrestlers and coaches of all levels.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Build a Solid System that Everyone Understands.

Access to Takedown & Mat Wrestling Academies.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]“New” Takedown & Mat Wrestling Academies – GTA members will have access to the brand new “Takedown & Mat Wrestling Academies” In the Takedown & Mat Wrestling Academies techniques, drills, situational wrestling scenarios, conditioning drills, and more will be released each week.
All of the information will be released in a sequence used to build fundamentals that work for first year wrestlers and lay the foundation for skills needed at the highest level of the sport. Each week GTA members will receive written and video instructions on enough techniques to fill two practices (for neutral) and one for each top and bottom each week.
These techniques will be accompanied by drills and other practice room strategies to help program these techniques into wrestlers and encourage a rapid transition from drilled skills to live match instincts.
Week one will start by laying a foundation with techniques and drills needed for success at all levels. These skills will get the first year wrestler scoring takedowns quickly and you can see college wrestlers working week one skills routinely to stay on top of their game.
Each week just enough will be added so wrestlers can effectively build their Attack Arsenal and not be overwhelmed or overloaded.
If you are looking for a clear and proven path to Mastery of all Positions, then look no further because you have found it. Combine the trickled out techniques, practice drills and training strategies with consistent hard and smart work and you’ll have the blueprint many other greats before you have used![/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]I have been involved in the sport of wrestling as a coach, and as an athlete, at just about every level.
The Gable Trained Academy is the result of my hard earned experience and all the high level advice I have collected over the years and presented in a way that anyone can use…
Everything you’ll get is presented in a way that will make sense to a first year coach that wants to teach in a rec league, but is solid enough that high school coaches with nationally ranked teams can still benefit from it.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]I’ve made it plain that the power of being able to access the resources needed to succeed at the highest levels is truly paramount to reaching and exceeding your goals.
I believe it’s front and center in my own success.
Once you access The Gable Trained Academy, you’ll be gathering skills and expertise you’ll always have … and always be able to use to your benefit.
Having this kind of resource gives you access to results you may have never thought possible …
It brings value to your existing program and athletes …
And it allows you to break through the current roadblocks, while essentially working less “trying to figure out what to do next” in reaching your goals.
That’s why I want to make this a “no-brainer” decision for you.
As I told you earlier, there is hundreds of dollars of resources pre-loaded into The Gable Trained Academy and more added all the time…
And I won’t mention what you might expect to pay Dan Gable to consult with him one-on-one each month if it were even an option with Dan’s schedule.
All together it would easily be 100’s of dollars each month.
But, you won’t pay anywhere near 100’s of dollars a month …
Or $150…
Or $100 to gain access to this one of a kind resource.
In fact, I think this is so critical to your success in both the short- and long-term …
Your investment today will be a mere fraction of what this information is truly worth:
Only $97 a month
But …
I want to make this as accessible as possible … a total no-brainer if you will …
So if you secure your charter membership to The Gable Trained Academy right now, I’m also going to knock an additional $40 right off the top …
You’ll invest only $57 a month to gain complete access to this exclusive membership.
Don’t hesitate or delay! Once the preset number of charter members is reached, the price will increase without notice.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

The Body Weight Sports Training 12 Week Blueprint

Body Weight Exercise Routines are great for youth athletes as well as high school and college wrestlers looking for an edge to win state and national championships.
Several crucial reasons every coach and wrestlers needs a great body weight strength program in their back pocket:
- First, getting access to a weight room can be next to impossible for many wrestling programs simply because so many other sports programs are using it.
- Second, body weight training removes any excuse that your wrestlers can’t build strength and achieve top performance even if they have to do these techniques at home in the living room.
- And third, if you realize that your team needs to build power, speed or achieve better conditioning during the season you can easily insert some of these body weight exercises into your practice for quick results.

And, You’ll Also Have My “Love it or Cancel it” Guarantee

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]I respect your time — and even though I feel access to this exclusive membership is an indispensable resource, I understand this might not be for everyone.
That’s why you don’t have to decide right now if this is for you.
I am so confident in the information I’m giving you that I want you to go through the entire Gable Trained Academy, completely risk free:[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]
Our Kids Got Better In a Hurry!
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]“We have been using the Coach Weber’s system for two full wrestling seasons and I can say from a Coach’s perspective it has been great. Many of the techniques, skills and drills I had already learned in high school and college, but Coach Weber’s philosophy and subtle changes made them much more effective. In 2012-2013 we finished 8th in our Sectional. Our kids got better in a hurry and made huge strides in 2013-2014. In 2014-2015, they took it to another level. This year, Rochester finished 6th at IHSWCA Team State, won it’s 3rd consecutive conference championship, won their first sectional since 2008, placed 4th in their Regional with 1 Regional Champion, and finished with one IHSAA State Placewinner. A huge turn around in just 2 years. Coach Weber’s skills and drills helped us get there!“[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]
Clint Gard, Rochester HS, Rochester IN

The Gable Trained Academy “3x Standard” Full 90 Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Most companies offer you only 30 days to get your money back. We understand it takes some time to really make sure a) that you like what you see, and b) the product fulfills all its promises.
That’s why I want you to take a FULL 90 days to test out The Gable Trained Academy.
Make sure you can really use the drills, techniques, advice, and inside information…
Get a feel for what it means to have “access” … and get that flush of pride when your wrestlers get excited about your training…because they’re winning more matches.
You can take up to day 89 if you like …
And if at any time, for any reason, you change your mind, all it takes is a five-minute phone call or email to Member Services and they’ll promptly and courteously refund every penny — no questions asked.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

This Isn’t Just Another Way to Learn Wrestling. It’s a Chance For You to Become the Best You Can Be.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Frankly, if you want to be a great coach or competitor, at some point you have to have access to high-level people, programs, and methods of winning to reach your full potential.
Becoming a member of The Gable Trained Academy isn’t just discovering the nuances of the Gable style and philosophy of wrestling from Dan Gable himself.
It doesn’t just give you 100’s of fresh ideas to use in your program.
It’s not just another way to achieve your highest success.
It’s thorough resource that transforms you into a knowledgeable wrestling coach along with advice from a wrestling icon that everyone knows and respects.
It allows you to solve major problems that virtually ALL of your athletes have.
All while bringing valuable tools and tactics you can believe in to athletes who want to change their wrestling for the better.
Good coaching is about trust, relationships and results …
And that’s at the heart of The Gable Trained Academy.
Spend just 8 hours inside the Gable Trained Academy, one weekend if you like, and you’ll find your coaching and wrestling expertise expands substantially.
With the action plans, the takedown and mat wrestling academies, the coaches corner, the advanced technical and drilling series, and all the bonuses I’ve included…
You’ll feel confident approaching any of your athletes knowing your expertise has the power to improve their wrestling skills … and significantly increase both your chances of success.
Remember, it all comes down to being able to achieve your full potential and winning more often.
With your access to The Gable Trained Academy, you will have everything you need to reach the top …
And as Dan says, “When people ask me how to raise their level of performance, the first thing I ask is, How important is it to you?”
<Click here for your charter membership on a 90-day trial basis now.>
I’ll see you on the inside,
-Coach Weber[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]PS. Don’t wait! The charter membership price will be withdrawn without notice. Click here now to get in on the Gable Trained Academy Charter Pricing, receive your FREE 46 page strength book and my 90 day money back guarantee![/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]